We Are Not Workers We Are Creators

We are team of talanted Supermens

E-Commerce Website Project

A complete website Structure which is developing by our company .Here You can see our website project

Online Shopping (E-Commerce Website)

Awesome Design and full dynamic
  1. Header
  2. NavBar
  3. Slider
  4. Product Section
  5. Trainding Product Section
  6. Todays Offer Section

Here you can see the website Front-End 2nd View

Search Categaries
  1. By Categaries
  2. By Price
  3. By Brand

Here you can see the website Front-End 3rd View

You can manage selected product
  1. Quantity
  2. Price
  3. Toatal

Here you can see the website Front-End 2nd View

See Product Images
  1. Zoom-in & Zoom-out Images
  2. Product Details
  3. Manage Size, Color, Quantity

Here you can see the website Front-End 3rd View

Payment Section
  1. Choose Payment option
  2. COD
  3. Debit or Cradit Card
  4. Discount Section

Here you can see the website Front-End 2nd View

New User Register form
  1. Form details
  2. new Usser also have Login opton
  3. Sign-Up

Admin Panel

Loggin Page
  1. Usser Name
  2. Password
  3. Sign in

Manage Dashboard

Manage Order
  1. From Date
  2. To Date
  3. Search
  4. Reset

Manage Categaries

And the Sub Categaries
  1. Update
  2. Delete
  3. Edit
  4. Categaries in tree form
  5. Name ,Title,Description etc.

Product Details

  1. Product Price
  2. Categaries
  3. COD
  4. All details and etc

Product List

Search product and manage
  1. Select Categaries option
  2. Select Vendar
  3. Search
  4. Total product
  5. Manage

Filter Product

  1. Product
  2. Filter
  3. Filter Description
  4. And manage all Filter properties

Manage Product Size

  1. Product Size
  2. Manage
  3. New Setand Edit

Manage Product Review

  1. Know Product Review
  2. Status
  3. Question and Answers

Manage Vendors

Add, Edit,Delete,vendors
  1. Vendor Full Details Form
  2. Vendor Accounting
  3. Vendors Orders
  4. Vendor Records

Manage Order

  1. Order Status
  2. From Date
  3. To Date
  4. Order Number
  5. Mobile Number

Manage Vendors Accounting Details

  1. Transaction Type
  2. Vendor Count
  3. Debit or Cradit Card
  4. Amount Details

Manage Design

Manage Slider
  1. Slider Image
  2. Url
  3. Sequence and Action
  4. Delete and Edit

Manage Pages

  1. Page Content
  2. Add,Edit,Delete pages
  3. Manage Page Description

Product details

  1. Manage Order
  2. cancellations
  3. Return and Replacement


  1. Manage Voucher
  2. History
  3. Manage Coupon
  4. Transaction

Manage Email and Message

  1. E-mail suite
  2. Sms Suite
HTML 100%
CSS 100%
JavaScript 75%
PHP 100%
CMS 90%


Projects done


Happy clients


Cups of coffee


Photos taken

Our services

We provide several secure and fast services within time.

By signing up, you agree our Terms of services and Privacy Policy

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